Cele 7 pacate capitale in tehnologia informatiei(IT)

Cele 7 pacate capitale sunt valabile in viata noastra, implicit in industria tehnologiei informatie(IT), astfel:


  1. MANDRIA IN IT – Comunica la fel cu toti clientii / cu toti membri echipei:

Daca esti foarte inteligent si ai contribuit foarte mult la succesul proiectului:

    • recunoaste si aportul adus de ceilalti mebri ai echipei mai putin experimentati

    • prezinta produsul tuturor utilizatorilor cu acceasi pasiune indiferent de nivelul cunostintelor fiecaruia

    • acorda atentie maxima fiecarui membru al echipei, fiecarui client si fiecarui utilizator fara a face discriminare


  1. AVIDITATEA IN IT – Pastreaza masura in toate(evaluare, vanzare, prezentare, livrare):

    • adauga functionalitati cu masura pentru a face fata tuturor rigorilor de testare/livrare

    • testeaza complet update-urile si nu te grabi sa livrezi fara a trece prin toate etapele necesare

    • descrie produsul software clientilor cu masura si nu exagera in prezentarea avantajelor/functionalitatilor existente

    • aplica o politica de preturi corecta conform valorii produselor

    • aplica o politica de licentiere corecta si nu limita exagerat functionalitatile pe criterii de numar de utilizatori(dimensiune etc)


  1. DESFRANAREA – Fii disciplinat:

    • respecta regulile de dezvoltare aplicatii software si mai ales de scriere cod

    • respecta timpul clientilor cand faci prezentari si/sau suport

    • respecta toate parteneriatele si toti colaboratorii cu care lucrezi

    • respecta-te pe tine si invata in fiecare zi sa fii mai bun decat ziua trecuta



    • felicita-i pe cei mai buni dacat tine si invata de la ei(sa programezi mai bine, sa fii un excelent arhitect de aplicatii software)

    • felicita concurenta pentru produsele de calitate oferite si invata sa oferi si tu calitate maxima clientilor


  1. IMBUIBAREA – Fii sanatos:

    • traieste o viata sanatoasa pentru a-ti valorifica la maxim potentialul creator si influenta pozitiva asupra celorlalti


  1. MANIA IN IT – Pastreaza-ti calmul in situatii stresante(bug-uri, clienti nemultumiti):

Fii calm cand:

      • recunosti bug-urile aparute in cod

      • explici clientilor erorile aparute sau intarzierele la livrare

      • explici clientilor costurile produselor software


  1. LENEA – Fii harnic:

  • munceste la fel mult in fiecare zi(sa scrii cod de calitate, sa livrezi functionalitati noi, sa te adresezi clientilor si sa la rezolvi problemele prin software de calitate)


Cu totii avem in activitatea noastra IT, fie ea de developer, arhitect, analist, tester sau om de business momente dificile si stresante cand aplicatiile softarware merg greu si au performanta scazuta, cand au aparut bug-uri sau regresii in urma unui update, cand unii clientii nu au primit funtionalitatile dorite.

In astfel de situatii, noi toti trebuie sa avem speranta ca vom rezolva fiecare problema in parte si sa avem un pic de credinta in puterea noastra si a IT-ului.


Pastrati-va Credinta,

Iulia de la julysoft.net

The 7 Capital Sins in Information technology (IT)


The 7 capital sins are valid in our life, so they are in the information technology industry (IT), as follows:


  1. PRIDE IN IT – Communicate in the same way with all customers/with all team members:

If you are very intelligent and you have contributed greatly to the success of the project:

    • recognize the contribution brought by the other team members(sometimes less experienced than you)

    • presents the software product to all users, with the same passion, regardless of their level of knowledge

    • you pay maximum attention to each member of the team, to each client and to each user without discrimination


  1. AVIDITY IN IT – Keeps the measure in all(Evaluation, sale, presentation, delivery):

    • add functionalities with the measure, to be in line with all rigors of testing/delivery

    • test fully the updates and don’t rush to deliver without going through all the necessary steps

    • describe the software to customers with measure and don’t exaggerate in presenting existing advantages/functionality

    • apply a correct pricing policy according to the value of software products

    • apply a correct licensing policy and do not limit exaggerated functionality on the criteria of number of users (size etc.)


  1. LUST IN IT– Be disciplined:

    • comply with software application development rules and especially those for writing code

    • respect customer time when making presentations and/or support

    • respect all the partnerships and all the collaborators you work with

    • respect yourself and learn every day to be better than the day before


  1. ENVY IN IT – Learn from performers:

    • congratulate the best and learn from them(to be a better developer, to be an excellent architect of software applications)

    • congratulate the competition for the quality pf the provided products and learn to offer maximum quality to your customers


  1. GLUTTONY IN IT – Be healthy:

    • live a healthy life to maximize your creative potential and your positive influence on others


  1. WRATH IN IT - Keep calm in stressful situations(bug, unhappy clients):

Keep your calm when:

      • recognize the bugs which have been appear in the code

      • explain to clients errors occurred or the delays in delivery

      • explain to customers the costs of software products


  1. SLOTH IN ITPlay hard:

  • play hard every day(write quality code, deliver new features, address to clients and solve their problems with quality software products and moral behavior))


We all have in our IT activity, be it developer, architect, analyst, tester or businessman, difficult and stressful moments, when software applications are slow in performance, when bugs or regressions occurred following an update, when some clients did not receive the desired features.

In such situations, we all have to keep the hope that we will solve each problem, and have a little faith in our power and in IT.


Have Faith,


  Iulia from JulySoft.net


July Soft a participat la Tabara IT Setrio

Multumim Setrio pentru oportunitatea de a participa la Tabara IT Setrio, eveniment organizat de echipa Setrio intr-o zona superba din jud. Buzau.
A fost un eveniment captivant unde s-au discutat subiecte interesante precum:
- modalitati de optimizare performanta si mentenanta in Sql Server
- suita Biz pe care compania Setrio o ofera clientilor din domeniul sanatatii

Doua companii de software romanesti, Setrio si July Soft, specialisti IT si clienti ai produselor software Setrio s-au reunit si au petrecut impreuna un timp valoros si placut gratie organizatorilor.
Felicitari Setrio pentru organizarea intregului eveniment si pentru profesionalismul dovedit in domeniul IT.

Echipa JulySoft.net